The Cheap McBroke Creed

Cheap McBrokers' CREED
Creed: a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.
We are cheap we are not rude.
If you decide you want to eat out - food servers get a 15-20% tip.
We are cheap we are not dishonest.
The towels belong to the hotels.
We are cheap we are not stupid.
We do not drive 15 miles away to save $.03 cents a gallon.
We are cheap but we are healthy.
Kraft Dinner and chili, Spam and Top Ramen - while delicious - are not singularly part of a balanced diet. We try to eat Healthy.

I am thinking of adding another category to the Cheap McBroke Creed "We Are Cheap We Are Not Lazy". Sometimes it takes effort to be cheap. Not too much but some.

Convenience is the rival of cheapity.


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