effort ef·fort /ˈefərt/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: effort; plural noun: efforts 1. a vigorous or determined attempt. Similar: attempt try endeavor crack go shot stab bash whack essay assay strive seek exert oneself do one's best labor work toil struggle apply oneself undertake aim set out take it on oneself have a go/shot/crack/stab/bash give it a burl give it a fly the result of an attempt. "he was a keen gardener, winning many prizes for his efforts" Similar: achievement accomplishment performance attainment result feat deed exploit undertaking enterprise work handiwork creation production opus triumph success positive result coup master stroke stroke of genius strenuous physical or mental exertion. "achieving independence requires some effort and self-discipline" Similar: exertion force power energy work muscle application labor the sweat of one's brow striving endeavor toil struggle slog strain stress trouble bother sweat elbow grease graft (hard) yakka travail moil the activities of a group of people with a common purpose. "the war effort" 2. TECHNICAL a force exerted by a machine or in a process.
This is a complicated part about being cheap. Sometimes we need to work a little harder instead of spending a little more money.
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