Consumer Cellular Customer Service Sucks.

Why even deal with Consumer Cellular?
I've been with Consumer Cellular since 2016. At the time - as far as I knew - they were the only service to offer unlimited minutes voice only, and at $20.00 a month. Cheap. It's for a loved one who has no desire for any other technology.
Trouble from the get-go
Keeping your old phone number is necessary for many folks and that can involve dealing with sim cards to keep your number and contacts and this is where Consumer Cellular fails miserably. I know a thing 'er two about phones and got through the sim card debacle but no thanks to the Consumer Cellular servive rep who was remarkably under informed. If you need to contact Consumer Cellular for help you will be bitterly disappointed.
Product performance
I have extensive experience in a variety of phones and a miriad of services and it should be noted that the quality of the phone - flip phone mind you - remember the technological needs of my lovedone are minimal. The quality of the phone and the connection, clarity and connection are perfect.
The cheapmcbroke anti auto-pay philosophy
Direct pay? Sure! You can put all the money you want into my account every day. Take it out? No Way. How does anyone agree to this ever?
Doing business with Consumer Cellular lately
Up until recently, I didn't have to deal with this company's under-trained, under-paid, incompetent, over-worked service force. Something bad happened with their system. I did OK for a year or two paying my bill monthy on-line. But then (I found out later) there was some kind of security breach and they needed all of my personal private stuff, credit card number address, all the stuff you felt uncomfortable giving up in the first place. I called them (somehow got through this time) I thought I got hacked but they said they "lost" all their information. OK stuff happens.
And Then!
After all that - the next month I go to pay online and they didn't retain my new information from last month. Repeat name, repeat address, repeat credit card number, etc, etc, etc. OK so their online thing is a complete failure, I better get used to paying by phone. ---insert laff track here. What a Joke.

In conclusion
I am paying $27.99 a month for voice only - including, by the way, Allstate roadside assistance. This is not the usual cheapMcbroke behavior. It's a bad deal and I am quitting everyone involved. Consumer Cellular, Allstate, and AARP who heavily promotes the rip-off (that's saying a lot because I am a senior).
If you involve yourself with Consumer Cellular it will be a head-ache.


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